A Training & Sport Science Community for Athletes, Coaches, and Experts
The Fast Talk Laboratories Forum brings together some of the brightest minds in the world of endurance sports to share ideas, troubleshoot, and discuss the latest developments in sport science. Ask questions and get answers from science-minded athletes, experienced coaches, exercise physiologists, and researchers.
And it’s FREE. Get access by joining at any member level.
“The Fast Talk Labs Forum has one of the highest signal-to-noise ratios in endurance sports.”
60-Second Tour of the Fast Talk Labs Forum

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Join Fast Talk Laboratories at any level and you will join the smartest community in endurance sports.
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Discuss with Experts
World-class experts like Sebastian Weber, Dr. Andy Pruitt, and Dr. Stephen Cheung are contributors to our Forum discussions.
These experts field questions on testing, sports medicine, training concepts, and physiology, giving our members unprecedented access to some of the most experienced and knowledgeable experts in endurance sports.
Hear from Coaches
Experienced coaches and exercise physiologists use our Forum, too.
Coach Steve Neal, who has more INSCYD testing experience than nearly every other coach in North America, has been an active contributor and answered many personal coach questions.
Our new Coaching Forum — exclusively for certified coaches — supports coaches by serving as a resource in support of testing, workout ideas, athlete performance analysis, athlete management, and other coaching-specific topics.