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cyclists riding in snow

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In this week’s show, we talk about training over the holidays, why discomfort is important to our development, and our goals for 2023.

Is There a Value to the One-Hour Easy Ride?

We all understand the purpose of high-intensity intervals and long endurance rides, but is there a value to kitting up and doing a workout that’s both short and easy?

Hot Cacao Cookies finished on a metal cooling wrack.

Holiday Fuel On-the-Go: Hot Cacao Cookies

Looking to fuel your workouts a little differently at this time of year? Us too. In the first of our holiday fuel on-the-go recipes, we’ve got these tasty, nutrient-dense hot cacao cookies.

Illustrated headshot of Percy Cerutty

Profiles in Coaching: Percy Cerutty

A rigorous, holistic approach to mental and physical training steeped in high-intensity sessions and hill running at a beachfront property would likely appeal to today’s athlete. This Australian running coach was ahead of his time.

Young, athletic woman in compression running socks jogging on the beach

Which Comes First: Trust or Commitment?

Much to the surprise of some coaches, mental performance expert Jeff Troesch argues that you can have commitment from your athletes without trust. He explains how—and why—this is important.