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ITU triathletes racing on the bike

How to Harness or Stoke Motivation

Coach Rob Griffiths describes the method he used to help an athlete shift her passion and motivation to make positive changes and avoid burnout.

Triathletes running into the water at the swim start

What Is a Biopsychosocial Approach to Coaching?

We are products of our social, mental, and biological processes, but what does this mean for coaches and athletes? Andy Kirkland explains how to adjust training for better results.

how to succeed at Kona?

How Do You Succeed at Kona?

Heat, humidity, wind, pacing—we take a look at some of the factors that affect success at the Ironman World Championship in Kona.

External Load vs. Internal Response

External Load vs. Internal Response

Load, stress, strain—they’re terms we hear a lot in sports science, but what do they mean? Dr. Stephen Seiler explores how your internal response to external load will change as you become fitter and more durable.

girl sitting on track looking disappointed

How Your Brain Can Make or Break Your Performance

Neuroscience isn’t an exciting term, but it can be one of the most important factors in how well our muscles perform. We talk about this fascinating connection between mind and body with Dr. Scott Frey.