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science vs. practice

Polarized Training Science vs. Practice

Scientists have worked closely with athletes and coaches to define the polarized model and explain how it works. Who leads the way? Dr. Seiler talks about the scientific process playing out in valuable ways in both research and the real world.

exercise intensity distribution in the Polarized Training Method

How to Measure Intensity Distribution

Is 80/20 really the best mix of intensities? And what’s the best way to categorize training? Dr. Seiler has a simple method to get you started.

3 workouts to polarize your training

Three Rides to Polarize Your Training

To truly polarize your training, you need to focus your training in two key zones. Coach Trevor Connor explains how this works for the sport of cycling, but the physiology applies to all endurance sports.

Fast Talk Labs Head Coach Ryan Kohler coaches a female cyclist while on a bike ride near Boulder, Colorado.

6 // Managing Athlete Performance

As a coach, helping your athletes achieve their performance potential is an important task, but it’s rarely an easy one. In Module 6 of The Craft of Coaching, Joe Friel, together with several top coaches, share their experience on every aspect of this journey to peak performance.

Creating a Race Plan to Guide Training

Work with your athlete to create a race plan for the season—and then build your training plan from there, but remember there’s plenty to factor in.

Measuring Performance & Progression title card showing Joe Friel and Ben Day

Measuring Performance and Progression

Coaches Joe Friel and former pro cyclist Ben Day talk about setting goals and how measuring progress must include “more than just numbers.”

Coach Joe Friel discusses athlete training metrics in The Craft of Coaching

Training Metrics

Joe Friel provides an overview of the key training metrics that help coaches quantify training load and plan for performance.