paul laursen headshot

Dr. Paul Laursen

Professor Paul Laursen is a globally recognized sport scientist and Adjunct Professor of Exercise Physiology at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and University of Agder in Norway. From 2009 to 2017, he led the Physiology Team at High Performance Sport New Zealand, focusing on Olympic sports during the London and Rio Olympic cycles. An advocate for the practical application of sport science, he has seamlessly integrated research with real-world athlete training.

Currently based in Canada, Laursen is an entrepreneur and high-performance consultant with a deep-seated interest in maximizing athletic performance and health through innovative approaches like artificial intelligence and nutritional ketosis. His research, which includes over 150 refereed journal articles, has had a significant impact on the fields of HIIT, athlete health, and performance, achieving an h-index of 74. He holds two international patents and continues to influence the sports science community through his businesses, HIIT Science and Athletica, which provide educational and training platforms based on his research.

As an endurance athlete, Laursen has completed 17 Ironman triathlons, boasting a personal best of 9:57, and two team Race Across America (RAAM) transcontinental crossings. He is also a prolific author, having co-written “Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training” with Martin Buchheit, a staple in the sports science literature. His ongoing contributions to sport and exercise science make him a leading figure in the application of physiological principles to training and athlete care.