Register FREE for USA Cycling’s May 6 Coaching Summit
Fast Talk Labs invites you to join us for USA Cycling’s quarterly coaching summit featuring keynote speakers Jon Tarkington and Coach Mike Ricci.
Fast Talk Labs invites you to join us for USA Cycling’s quarterly coaching summit featuring keynote speakers Jon Tarkington and Coach Mike Ricci.
As a business owner, Mike Ricci personally interviews prospective athletes so he can match them with the coach who is best-suited to help them reach their goals.
Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport started out with a goal of getting to 100 athletes. He quickly realized he was going to need to hire more coaches. He describes the mistakes he made early in his career and how he manages his business now.
Frank Overton and Mike Ricci share more detail about their marketing strategies, both of which place a strong emphasis on attracting athletes with solid training advice.
A good contract positions your coaching business for growth by creating opportunity and defending against unforeseen threats. Use your contracts to clearly define expectations for members of your coaching team.
Watch the recording of the May 6, 2022 Quarterly Conversation featuring Mike Ricci, on the business of coaching, and Jon Tarkington, on the state of coaching education.
Frank Overton and Mike Ricci share more detail about their marketing strategies, both of which place a strong emphasis on attracting athletes with solid training advice.
Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport started out with a goal of getting to 100 athletes. He quickly realized he was going to need to hire more coaches. He describes the mistakes he made early in his career and how he manages his business now.
As a business owner, Mike Ricci personally interviews prospective athletes so he can match them with the coach who is best-suited to help them reach their goals.
A good contract positions your coaching business for growth by creating opportunity and defending against unforeseen threats. Use your contracts to clearly define expectations for members of your coaching team.
Frank Overton and Mike Ricci describe how they go about hiring coaches to join their team. With hindsight on their side, these coaches explain why people and process factor heavily into their hiring decisions.