TrainingPeaks: How to Craft Effective Comments
The “comments” field in TrainingPeaks is not to be ignored: It can be a helpful guide for coaches and a useful reference for athletes.
The “comments” field in TrainingPeaks is not to be ignored: It can be a helpful guide for coaches and a useful reference for athletes.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler review TrainingPeaks metrics such as Acute and Chronic Training Load (ATL/CTL), Training Stress Balance (TSB), and discuss the interactions among the metrics.
Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor demonstrate how to spot trends in the relationship between power and heart rate using intervals.icu.
We discuss the nuances of base season planning, from the appropriate intensity distribution to the time it takes to produce gains from both aerobic and anaerobic work, and much more.
In an age when athletes often focus on the specifics, we address the importance of focusing on the fundamentals: training, recovery, and functioning gear—the things that will bring you the greatest return for your investment of time, sweat, and energy.
Ryan and Trevor tackle questions on how running can be used in the base season, recovery for time-crunched athletes, the complexity of workouts, pre-race meal planning, and much more.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler discuss the science of a pre-race warm-up routine and demonstrate how Trevor prepares for time trials.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler analyze the Power Duration Curve in order to illustrate how you can train fatiguability.
Coach and author Will Murray joins Coach Ryan Kohler for a discussion of what makes a useful set of goals, how to develop them, the psychology of goals, and much more.
These “on/off” style intervals will help you push top-end power and cardiovascular adaptations.
Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor discuss how to write out your nutrition plan, how to determine what nutrition will be available at aid stations, estimating nutrition needs between aid stations, and much more.
Coach Ryan Kohler demonstrates ways to train maximal force production, or torque, on the bike.
Coach Ryan Kohler reviews season-to-season changes in heart rate/power distributions to illustrate improvements across the different energy systems.
One of Coach Ryan’s favorites, these four-minute intervals at 90-95% maximum HR with three minutes rest are simple yet effective.
The execution of long slow distance rides might sound simple, but many people struggle to get it right. Can you be too steady on your LSD rides?
Coach and endurance mountain bike champ Daniel Matheny helps us field questions on coaching junior athletes, how aerobic capacity is impacted by intensity, PVCs, and much more.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Grant Holicky field questions on goal setting, cyclocross training, polarized training as you age, and cross training.
Cardiovascular drift is an instability in heart rate and stroke volume over time. We show you how to determine it.