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Coach Ryan talking with female athlete

What Drives or Limits Performance?

As a coach, you are in the business of addressing the weaknesses that stand in the way of the athlete’s goal. Because every athlete is unique, no two plans should ever be the same.


Do You Need to Rethink Your Training?

Intensity can be a slippery slope for endurance athletes—there is a temptation to push harder and longer. The real recipe for performance might entail some new priorities.

3 workouts to polarize your training

Three Rides to Polarize Your Training

To truly polarize your training, you need to focus your training in two key zones. Coach Trevor Connor explains how this works for the sport of cycling, but the physiology applies to all endurance sports.

Polarized Training 3 zone model with lactate thresholds

The Science Behind Polarized Training 

Polarized training is a case where science hustled to catch up with real-world results. Coach Trevor Connor explains how sport science misunderstood the physiology and inadvertently shifted the focus toward high-intensity training.

Emma-Kate Lidbury wins Ironman 70.3 Kansas in 2013

How to Succeed Racing Ironman 70.3

Triathlon can be a demanding sport—so how can you set yourself up for success? We asked former pro triathlete and six-time Ironman 70.3 champion Emma-Kate Lidbury to share her top tips.

Creating a Race Plan to Guide Training

Work with your athlete to create a race plan for the season—and then build your training plan from there, but remember there’s plenty to factor in.

a frustrated athlete holds his head after a workout

Troubleshooting Performance Plateaus

Joe Friel addresses the problems that athletes most commonly face en route to their goals: training plateaus, inconsistent training or lack of motivation, inadequate sleep, and prioritizing performance at the expense of health.

Coach Julie Dibens with one of her professional athletes, Ironman champion Matt Hanson

Is Your Athlete Approaching Their Athletic Potential?

There’s a fine line separating performance and athletic potential. This case study illustrates the real consequences of overtraining and how training load can be better managed to avoid the high-stakes gamble altogether.

a woman runs through mist in running race

How to Gain Wisdom in the Aftermath of Racing

Every coach will be involved in athletic performances that fall short of expectations, leaving both the coach and the athlete dissatisfied. What is the best way to handle these situations?

The Craft of Coaching - How to Avoid Difficult Relationships with Athletes

How to Avoid Difficult Relationships with Athletes

No one wants to “fire” an athlete. But there are times when the coach-athlete relationship is clearly not working. Coaches need to reflect on these difficult situations and athletes so they can identify problems before things get personal.