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Emma-Kate Lidbury wins Ironman 70.3 Kansas in 2013

How to Succeed Racing Ironman 70.3

Triathlon can be a demanding sport—so how can you set yourself up for success? We asked former pro triathlete and six-time Ironman 70.3 champion Emma-Kate Lidbury to share her top tips.


Workout of the Month: Sprints

Trevor Connor and Rob Pickels run through one of their favorite sprint workouts, and share some helpful tips and tricks.

Testing to Identify Respiration Limiters

Coach Steve Neal helps athletes develop their respiratory systems to improve performance. Find out how the testing works, the limiters it exposes, and what you can do to start training your own breathing.

How to Heat Train

World-leading environmental physiologist Dr. Stephen Cheung shows how to practice heat training in your own home and how to incorporate it into your annual training schedule.

Cycling Tabata Intervals Workout with Ryan Kohler

Workout of the Month: Tabata Intervals

Coach Ryan Kohler shows the right way to do a Tabata Intervals workout, based on the research of Dr. Izumi Tabata, and when to do Tabata workouts during your season.

Trevor Connor’s “Training Book”

When Trevor Connor was racing against the pros, he got the idea of keeping a “success list” from a top athlete. As his list grew, it turned into a book that he took with him to every race.

How to Estimate Serving Sizes

Sports nutritionist Ryan Kohler shares three fast, simple ways to estimate portion sizes without counting calories or using mobile apps.

Ideal Racing Weight Is a Delicate Balance

Seeking an “ideal racing weight” is a tactic many endurance athletes use to improve performance. Here’s how to find your fastest race weight—while avoid being too heavy or too light.