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legs of triathletes

Training Distribution for Triathletes

If you’re new to triathlon, equal training among the three sports may be all you need. But for advanced athletes, a more sophisticated approach involves unequal distribution between the disciplines.

IZOF (Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning)

What Is Your Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning?

Every athlete has a personal IZOF. Coach Grant Holicky shares the concept and explores how to determine your IZOF. Then he shares why knowing your IZOF is helpful and how you can recreate your IZOF on demand.

Quantifying Hard Efforts

Quantifying Hard Efforts

Dr. Stephen Cheung explores the various ways athletes and coaches can quantify hard efforts, and how this can inform training.


Effective Self-Talk

Coach Grant Holicky explores the concept of self-talk, how to use it effectively and consistently, and how it can help performance and health.

Key Cycling Stretches

Key Cycling Stretches

Coach Connor details several key stretches that he recommends all cyclists do to improve force generation, stability, and range of motion.

Mindful Athlete

The Mindful Athlete

Coach Grant Holicky details the concept of mindfulness, how to attain it, and how it can help performance.


Recovery 101

Coach Trevor Connor explains the complex immune system response that leads to recovery, and why it happens in the first place.

Bikepacking Gear and Tech

Bikepacking Gear and Tech

What do you pack for a bikepacking adventure when self-sufficiency is the key to success? Chris Case explains the process of picking and packing all that gear.

The Power of RPE

The Power of Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

The RPE scale is often overlooked in a world of power meters and heart-rate straps. Dr. Stephen Cheung explains how and why you can use RPE to improve your training, even if you collect data.

The Athlete's Guide to Foam Rolling

The Athlete’s Guide to Foam Rolling

Strength and conditioning expert Menachem Brodie explains why and how you should use foam rolling to improve recovery.

VO2max test with Erica Clevenger

Could Respiration Be Your Limiter?

Athletes spend much of their time training their legs and heart. What about our lungs? Steve Neal breaks down the components of respiration to help explain why it could be holding you back.