How to Pin Your Race Number
There are few things that irk Coach Connor more than a poorly pinned bib number. He walks you through the art of pinning—and looking pro.
There are few things that irk Coach Connor more than a poorly pinned bib number. He walks you through the art of pinning—and looking pro.
Dr. Andy Pruitt and Betsy Welch hold a frank discussion about saddle sores, sexual dysfunction, and other female-specific saddle/chamois pathologies, addressing both preventative measures and potential long-term consequences.
Saddle sores, numbness, and erectile dysfunction are just a few of the issues that can hamper male cyclists. Dr. Andy Pruitt details how to avoid these and other cycling saddle problems.
The interrelationship between form, fitness, and fatigue is the basis for quantifying training load. Performance Management Charts help athletes visualize and interpret that balance. Coach Trevor Connor explains the science.
TrainingPeaks is popular, but WKO5 is a much more powerful tool. Coach Trevor Connor has extensive experience with WKO and shares his favorite features.
The saddle you choose to ride, and its proper placement, play huge roles in your comfort and performance on the bike.
Coach Grant Holicky reveals how to stay focused and concentrated. It’s all about knowing what is relevant to your goal.
Physiologists and coaches have attempted to quantify training through both external and internal measures. We review the primary training metrics and detail the benefits and shortcomings of each.
Accepting feedback and criticism is a necessary part in every athlete’s development. Coach Holicky details how to create the best mindset so you can achieve your full potential.
Coach Trevor Connor details how to apply the polarized training method and distribute intensity across your entire season.
Environmental physiologist Dr. Stephen Cheung details how to best prepare for events in the heat.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler details his favorite features of intervals.icu, a relatively new data analysis tool.
Coach Julie Young explores ways to develop mental skills to embrace discomfort as fuel for growth and performance.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler details the profound physiological impacts that altitude can have on our heart rate and power output.
HIT has many proven benefits and several big limitations. Trevor Connor explores how HIT works, its effects, and the most effective high-intensity interval workouts you can choose for specific gains.
Coach Grant Holicky discusses six ways by which all athletes can forge a better relationship with pain as a part of sport.
Stage races and other multi-day events offer special challenges, particularly when it comes to recovery. We explore three of the key elements to maintaining good performances day after day.
We highlight the most powerful features of each of the three most popular training analysis tools.