Structured Workout: 4×4 Intervals
One of Coach Ryan’s favorites, these four-minute intervals at 90-95% maximum HR with three minutes rest are simple yet effective.
One of Coach Ryan’s favorites, these four-minute intervals at 90-95% maximum HR with three minutes rest are simple yet effective.
The execution of long slow distance rides might sound simple, but many people struggle to get it right. Can you be too steady on your LSD rides?
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Grant Holicky field questions on goal setting, cyclocross training, polarized training as you age, and cross training.
Cardiovascular drift is an instability in heart rate and stroke volume over time. We show you how to determine it.
Dr. Seiler and his daughter Siren talk about intensity zones, peaking and riding the wave, recovery diagnostics, strength training, pistol squat PRs, Paula Radcliffe, and the loneliness of the high-level female endurance athlete.
Batman Intervals will help you get better at riding comfortably at variable intensities, paces, and lactate levels.
Dr. Stephen Cheung leads a discussion on indoor cycling, including heat management, adaptive differences between indoor and outdoor workouts, and what to do with those “nice” winter days when you can sneak outdoors.
Dr. Stephen Cheung discusses a study comparing steady-state versus fast-start intervals, then uses Xert software to model how a fast-start interval can be much more intense.
If your dad were a world-class exercise physiologist like, say, Dr. Stephen Seiler, how would you train? Probably pretty effectively. In this case study of one, Dr. Seiler chats with his daughter and runner, Siren, to review her career and training methods.
This over/under interval workout will build aerobic capacity while improving movement economy through changes in cadence.
Endurance sports journalist Alex Hutchinson joins Fast Talk Labs to help explain teleoanticipation and pacing.
The variable terrain of most MTB trails makes it difficult to keep power steady. So, is it possible to get solid base rides on the mountain bike?
In this workshop, Dr. Stephen Cheung uses Xert software to illustrate how a single workout can impact athletes differently depending on their phenotype.
Are you ready to suffer? Join us for a climbing time trial up the infamous Alpe du Zwift during which we’ll execute an FTP test.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler analyze data from longer threshold efforts to support results garnered from the popular 20-minute power test.
Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor dive deeper into specific nutrition metrics for a race, exploring research about race-day nutrition for the Leadville Trail 100 MTB.
Crunching numbers is one thing, but if you want to turn data into victory, here are a few key things you should do and a few things to avoid.
Strength and conditioning coach Jess Elliott walks through a multi-planar approach to strength to build stability, efficiency, and resilience.