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sweet spot bursts

Aerobic Conditioning: Sweet Spot Bursts

Control heart rate and manage your effort with a focus on breathing and cadence. This workout builds on the previous weeks of tempo and lower cadence riding.

A triathlete dressed all in black grimaces while riding his bike

The Lactic Acid Myth

There is no lactic acid in the human body. That said, the burn we feel during hard efforts has a lot to do with acid.

Garmin Wahoo head unit cycling computer

How to Set Up Your Bike Computer

Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.

A cyclist celebrates the top of a sunset climb by lifting his bike over his head

Shatter the Mental Ceiling on Performance

Physiological improvements are not the only way to maximize performance. Dr. Cheung explores the psychology of feedback, deception, and perception.