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An ultra-runner summits a mountain peak with the sun low in the sky behind him

An Ultra-Athlete’s Guide to RPE

An athlete’s rate of perceived exertion, or RPE, is one of the most underappreciated metrics. For ultra-athletes who are closely in touch with their bodies and minds, working with RPE is an essential component to training and racing.

Two cyclists motor pacing behind a red car on a sunny day

Workout of the Week: Motor Pacing

Use motor pacing—purposeful riding behind a scooter, moped, or e-bike—to add race-specific intensity into your training while working on skills and confidence at higher speeds.

A cyclist dressed in black rides out of the saddle against a black background

The True Definition of Threshold

Your lactate threshold may not be what you think it is. Coach Trevor Connor explores the true definition of this physiological turn point.