Joe Friel’s Keynote to USA Cycling: The Art & Craft of Coaching Athletes
Joe Friel presents the themes of his new online learning experience, The Craft of Coaching, during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Joe Friel presents the themes of his new online learning experience, The Craft of Coaching, during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Jim Miller and Trevor Connor announce a new coaching development and education partnership during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Watch USA Cycling Chief of Sport Performance Jim Miller’s 13-minute presentation on The State of USA Cycling Coaching Development and Education during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Watch USA Cycling CEO Brendan Quirk’s 30-minute presentation on The State of USA Cycling during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Watch recordings of the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit featuring Brendan Quirk, Jim Miller, Trevor Connor, and Joe Friel.
Legendary coach and endurance sports author Joe Friel sits down with us to discuss the history of coaching and his role in that history, from being one of the first freelance coaches to publishing his ground-breaking book The Cyclist’s Training Bible.
If you’re new to triathlon, equal training among the three sports may be all you need. But for advanced athletes, a more sophisticated approach involves unequal distribution between the disciplines.
Every athlete has a personal IZOF. Coach Grant Holicky shares the concept and explores how to determine your IZOF. Then he shares why knowing your IZOF is helpful and how you can recreate your IZOF on demand.
Coach Trevor Connor explains the complex immune system response that leads to recovery, and why it happens in the first place.
Eighty percent of what you need to know about endurance training can be illustrated by a simple graph. Coach Connor and his mentor Glenn Swan explore this simple concept.
The INSCYD test yields a powerful set of metrics, including VO2max, VLAmax, and an athlete’s complete metabolic profile. USA Cycling Level 1 Coach Ryan Kohler explores the INSCYD test protocol and how to analyze its results.
Coach Grant Holicky discusses the critical process by which goals are created, and also the method by which they are achieved.
We review the art and science of developing and maintaining an annual training plan, which helps athletes progress and perform at their best.
Many tools and techniques promise recovery benefits. But the science suggests that the fundamentals—sleep and nutrition to fuel the brain—may be the best place to invest.
Coach and author Will Murray joins Coach Ryan Kohler for a discussion of what makes a useful set of goals, how to develop them, the psychology of goals, and much more.
Every athlete of any ability level can benefit from the guidance of a good coach. We explore the coach-athlete relationship, and offer advice on how to reap the greatest rewards from working with a coach.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler analyze data from longer threshold efforts to support results garnered from the popular 20-minute power test.
Dr. Stephen Seiler speaks at the Aspire Academy on why and how to monitor athlete training loads.