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Colby Pearce Cycling in Alignment Podcast

Expansion on Metrics and Formulas

This short bonus episode is meant to clarify that formulas are a useful starting point in cycling and training, even though they have limitations.

Fast Talk Podcast Q&A

Q&A on LSD Rides, Topical Bicarbonates, Group Rides, and Sugar

in Q&A episode, we cover a broad spectrum of topics including sugar consumption and its health effects, safe rates to increase volume, the pros and cons of group rides, the efficacy of topical bicarbonate products, and much more.

Colby Pearce Cycling in Alignment Nathan Haas

Nathan Haas: Connection with Nature

Colby Pearce, who has known Nathan for many years, shared a deep conversation about their longing for nature, made ever more vivid and poignant due to the Australian’s confinement in the medieval Spanish city.