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We Answer Your Questions About Training

Trevor and Chris field listener questions on importance of aerobic threshold, FTP, muscle soreness, and training in extreme cold.

Ned Overend Mountain Bike Fast Talk Podcast

The Secrets to Staying Strong as You Age, with Ned Overend

Maintaining strong training on the bike while aging isn’t as difficult as it may seem, as guest MTB champion Ned Overend illustrates.
We will delineate what age effects truly exist — for example, a drop in maximum heart rate — and others that have been traditionally attributed to aging that now appear to be trainable, such as a loss in fast-twitch muscle fiber strength.

Wide shot of a cyclist rounding a paved mountain switchback

Inside the New Science of Climbing

We turned ourselves into mad scientists and rode several time trials up Boulder climbs with Sepp Kuss to learn the new science of climbing.

fat biking in the snow

How to Train in the Cold

We explore the physiological effects of training in the cold, from muscle damage to the increased caloric demands and how to stay warm.

Fast Talk Podcast Q&A

Is FTP Dead?

We take on a controversial subject: FTP or functional threshold power. Is FTP dead?

Athlete putting a collar on a weighted barbell

A Cyclist’s Guide to the Weight Room

Cyclists can get a little lost in the weight room. Strength expert Jess Elliott helps us understand the fundamentals of strength workouts and how cyclists will benefit from time spent in the gym.

Avoid Illness in Training pc: Kelly Sikkema

How to Avoid Illness (Or Just Cope With It)

Illness can jeopardize important races or even entire seasons. We address how to better understand illness, how to avoid it, and ways to cope if you do get sick.

Bearded cyclist resting inside a velodrome

Who Can You Trust for Training Advice?

We are joined by pro cyclist Sepp Kuss and the founder of FasCat coaching, Frank Overton, to dig into dealing with contradictory advice.