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Torso of a woman rounding a steep switchback on her bike.

Stop Your Legs from Fighting (Themselves)

Neuromuscular training expert Grant Holicky of Apex Coaching offers insight into how this type of training works and how exactly to implement it in your own training.

cyclist races by with bare legs

Cold, Bare Legs Make You Dumb, Not Tough

We dig into the physiology behind pedaling in cold weather and offer up a few tips and tricks for dressing properly. Internationally renowned trainer Andy Pruitt and former pro Ted King add their own insights on the subject.

Free weights inside a weight room gym

Like It or Not, You Should Be Lifting

In this episode of Fast Talk, we explain why serious cyclists should be spending time in the gym, incorporating weight lifting into their weekly programs. We speak to pro cyclist Svein Tuft, as well as Dr. Andy Pruitt to learn more about the benefits of strength training.

The Myth of the Useless Heart Rate Monitor

Trevor Connor and editor Caley Fretz are joined by one of the world’s leading cycling physiologists, Inigo San Milan, to bust the myth that power is all that matters.

A group of gravel cyclists line up during a training session

How to Structure Your Training Plan

Precisely how should you structure a week, a month, or a year of training to fit in between all the time-snagging realities of life? Listen to find out.

High vs. Low Intensity

Have limited time to train? Trevor Connor and Caley Fretz discuss the best way to get the most out of your ride time, and whether it’s possible to substitute long, slow base miles with high intensity training.

Track cyclist standing with their bike, looking out at a darkened indoor track

Why You Aren’t a Pro

In this first episode, Connor and Fretz tackle a question you’ve surely asked yourself: Why aren’t you a pro? What makes them different?