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athlete being coached in gym by trainer

Finding True Motivation—with Sonya Looney

Understanding your sources of motivation can be key to achieving your athletic potential, yet it’s a topic that can also be surprisingly complex. We talk with mental performance expert Sonya Looney on how to find your motivation.

cyclists riding in snow

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In this week’s show, we talk about training over the holidays, why discomfort is important to our development, and our goals for 2023.

Is There a Value to the One-Hour Easy Ride?

We all understand the purpose of high-intensity intervals and long endurance rides, but is there a value to kitting up and doing a workout that’s both short and easy?

girl sitting on track looking disappointed

How Your Brain Can Make or Break Your Performance

Neuroscience isn’t an exciting term, but it can be one of the most important factors in how well our muscles perform. We talk about this fascinating connection between mind and body with Dr. Scott Frey.