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coaching different personalities thumbnail

Coaching Different Personalities

How does an athlete’s personality affect how you write their training plans and give feedback? It can be far more varied than you might realize.

Athlete-Centric Training Plan video thumbnail

The Athlete-Centric Training Plan

Coach Dave Schell talks with Joe Friel about how he gets buy-in from athletes, and creates a dynamic, athlete-centric training plan specific to their individual needs.

Coach Ryan talking with female athlete

What Drives or Limits Performance?

As a coach, you are in the business of addressing the weaknesses that stand in the way of the athlete’s goal. Because every athlete is unique, no two plans should ever be the same.

Creating a Race Plan to Guide Training

Work with your athlete to create a race plan for the season—and then build your training plan from there, but remember there’s plenty to factor in.

Measuring Performance & Progression title card showing Joe Friel and Ben Day

Measuring Performance and Progression

Coaches Joe Friel and former pro cyclist Ben Day talk about setting goals and how measuring progress must include “more than just numbers.”

Coach Joe Friel discusses athlete training metrics in The Craft of Coaching

Training Metrics

Joe Friel provides an overview of the key training metrics that help coaches quantify training load and plan for performance.

a frustrated athlete holds his head after a workout

Troubleshooting Performance Plateaus

Joe Friel addresses the problems that athletes most commonly face en route to their goals: training plateaus, inconsistent training or lack of motivation, inadequate sleep, and prioritizing performance at the expense of health.

Coach Julie Dibens with one of her professional athletes, Ironman champion Matt Hanson

Is Your Athlete Approaching Their Athletic Potential?

There’s a fine line separating performance and athletic potential. This case study illustrates the real consequences of overtraining and how training load can be better managed to avoid the high-stakes gamble altogether.

Coach Joe Friel discusses race-day readiness on The Craft of Coaching

Race-Day Readiness

In this video, Joe Friel discusses how best to bring an athlete to form by striking the right balance between fitness and fatigue. It can be a fine line—and will be different for every athlete.

a woman runs through mist in running race

How to Gain Wisdom in the Aftermath of Racing

Every coach will be involved in athletic performances that fall short of expectations, leaving both the coach and the athlete dissatisfied. What is the best way to handle these situations?