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Sport Psychology

Grit. Mental toughness. Resilience.

Fitness isn’t what separates the elites. It’s their ability to suffer, to manage their attitude, and to know when to push and when to pull back.

See what sport psychology methods high-level athletes use and which we can adopt during our own training and racing.

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Lauren Vallee smiling while crossing a finish line

With Is Greater Than Against

When female athletes are encouraged to work with their competitors—not against them—it raises everyone’s game, as Coach Lauren Vallee knows only too well.

Lauren Vallee sitting in a chair

What Gets in the Way for Women

Body image, underfueling, negative self-talk, comparison—these are just some of the things that commonly prevent female athletes achieving their best, yet they don’t have to. One coach shares her way of turning this around.

Why is it so hard to go easy?

Why Is It So Hard to Go Easy?

You know your workout is supposed to be easy, but you just can’t help dropping the hammer sometimes. A leading neuroscientist lifts the lid on what’s going on in your brain when this happens—and what you can do about it.

Sports Psychology for Cyclists Pathway from Fast Talk Laboratories

Sport Psychology Pathway

The very best athletes are as strong mentally as they are physically. In the Sport Psychology Pathway from Fast Talk Labs, we explore how to build mental skills with experts like Dr. Simon Marshall, Julie Emmerman, Grant Holicky, Lesley Paterson, and Julie Young.

IZOF (Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning)

What Is Your Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning?

Every athlete has a personal IZOF. Coach Grant Holicky shares the concept and explores how to determine your IZOF. Then he shares why knowing your IZOF is helpful and how you can recreate your IZOF on demand.


Effective Self-Talk

Coach Grant Holicky explores the concept of self-talk, how to use it effectively and consistently, and how it can help performance and health.

Mindful Athlete

The Mindful Athlete

Coach Grant Holicky details the concept of mindfulness, how to attain it, and how it can help performance.

Focus and Concentration with Grant Holicky

The Secret to Concentration and Focus

Coach Grant Holicky reveals how to stay focused and concentrated. It’s all about knowing what is relevant to your goal.

Feedback and Criticism with Grant Holicky

Accepting Feedback and Criticism

Accepting feedback and criticism is a necessary part in every athlete’s development. Coach Holicky details how to create the best mindset so you can achieve your full potential.