At what intensity should athletes perform long, slow distance workouts? Dr. Stephen Seiler lays out a method for athletes to figure out their own, ideal intensity and duration for low-intensity workouts.
Dr. Stephen Seiler presents the case for why properly measured heart rate data is important to track and about some dos and don’ts to follow when attempting to determine your own HRmax.
Dr. Stephen Seiler explains the endurance training zones schemes he uses in research (3 zones) and in practice working with Norwegian coaches and athletes (5 zones) as part of the Norwegian Olympic Federation model.
To avoid the high-intensity effort required to directly measure max heart rate, athletes use prediction equations. Clint Eastwood may or may not approve.
At what intensity should athletes perform long, slow distance workouts? Dr. Stephen Seiler lays out a method for athletes to figure out their own, ideal intensity and duration for low-intensity workouts.
There are four balances to strike when training indoors: 1) bone health, 2) muscular balance, 3) intensity and duration balance in our training sessions and 4) energy balance