A Deep Dive on Interval Execution
Learn how and why you should select certain intervals, how to integrate them into your training plan, when to do them, and how to properly execute them.
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Learn how and why you should select certain intervals, how to integrate them into your training plan, when to do them, and how to properly execute them.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler review TrainingPeaks metrics such as Acute and Chronic Training Load (ATL/CTL), Training Stress Balance (TSB), and discuss the interactions among the metrics.
Cardiovascular drift is an instability in heart rate and stroke volume over time. We show you how to determine it.
Dr. Stephen Seiler introduces polarized training during this in-studio podcast with FLO Cycling.
Cold temperatures can have a big impact on our physiology. We detail the performance effects of cold temps, and learn how to combat them.
Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor analyze climbing intervals at threshold, focusing on the importance of cadence and pace.
For distance runners unable to do high-intensity aerobic intervals, Dr. Stephen Seiler suggests adding strength and speed work.
Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler analyze ride data from one of Trevor’s LSD (long, slow distance) rides in order to explain the correct execution of one of these fundamental rides.
Dr. Stephen Seiler surveyed over 1,000 endurance athletes of different levels to find out how the basic characteristics of the training process have changed during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are the results.
Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor demonstrate how to interpret pedaling cadence data and look for signs of poor workout execution.
In this final video of his “short stack”, three-part series, Dr. Stephen Seiler discusses some research studies that compare short interval and long interval training and how they impact endurance capacity in already well-trained athletes.
Dr. Stephen Seiler walks through some real-life short interval workout data to reveal some rules of thumb for how you can integrate these into your own training.
Coach Trevor Connor and Coach Ryan Kohler walk through their process for interpreting 5×5-minute interval workout sessions in TrainingPeaks.
Interval training sessions with repeats of 30:30s, 40:20s, and 30:15s have become very popular. How does the (endurance-trained) body respond to this type of high-intensity interval prescription?
Coach Grant Holicky and head coach Ryan Kohler teach you how to analyze cyclocross power files in TrainingPeaks.
Coach Connor walks through the Whoop dashboard, analyzes his data, and points out some peculiarities of his physiology that are only revealed through Whoop data.
Dr. Stephen Seiler explains the endurance training zones schemes he uses in research (3 zones) and in practice working with Norwegian coaches and athletes (5 zones) as part of the Norwegian Olympic Federation model.
You have an engine that needs fueling. What happens to your performance when you under fuel?
Grant Holicky breaks down the best cyclocross skill drills to upgrade your ‘cross racing with the help of some highly qualified riders.
Grant Holicky, cyclocross coach, dissects key techniques for an explosive race start, seamless mounting and dismounting, and air-tight cornering.
To avoid the high-intensity effort required to directly measure max heart rate, athletes use prediction equations. Clint Eastwood may or may not approve.