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how athletes slow down with age Dr. Stephen Seiler

Breakdown: How Athletes Slow Down with Age

Like it or not, we slow down as we age. Do some parts of our physiological machinery slow down faster than others? If so, what does that mean for training and endurance performance?

Adjusting Training During COVID-19 Dr. Stephen Seiler

Adjusting Training During COVID-19

Endurance athletes at all levels are adjusting to a new reality. Dr. Stephen Seiler shares some thoughts on ways athletes can adjust and make the most of a difficult situation.

Isaiah Newkirk indoor cycling at CU physiology testing laboratory

Adjustments to Train Indoors

There are four balances to strike when training indoors: 1) bone health, 2) muscular balance, 3) intensity and duration balance in our training sessions and 4) energy balance

max heart rate Dr. Stephen Seiler

How to Find Your Maximal Heart Rate

Dr. Stephen Seiler presents the case for why properly measured heart rate data is important to track and about some dos and don’ts to follow when attempting to determine your own HRmax.