How to Create a Race-Day Sports Nutrition Plan, Part 1
The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
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The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.
Coach and sports nutritionist Ryan Kohler shares his sports nutrition guide for endurance mountain bike races.
Watch the recording of the May 6, 2022 Quarterly Conversation featuring Mike Ricci, on the business of coaching, and Jon Tarkington, on the state of coaching education.
Joe Friel presents the themes of his new online learning experience, The Craft of Coaching, during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Jim Miller and Trevor Connor announce a new coaching development and education partnership during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Watch USA Cycling Chief of Sport Performance Jim Miller’s 13-minute presentation on The State of USA Cycling Coaching Development and Education during the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit.
Watch recordings of the 2022 USA Cycling Coaching Summit featuring Brendan Quirk, Jim Miller, Trevor Connor, and Joe Friel.
Dr. Stephen Seiler and his daughter, an elite runner and sport science student, analyze bronze medalist Molly Seidel’s Olympic training.
Dr. Stephen Seiler presents on the history and future of endurance sports testing and monitoring.
Exercise physiologist Dr. Stephen Seiler walks through five steps for turning polarized training into a more personalized approach.
In this video, Dr. Seiler thinks out loud—with math—to explore how critical power and variable intensity races might connect in practice.
Coach and author Will Murray joins Coach Ryan Kohler for a discussion of what makes a useful set of goals, how to develop them, the psychology of goals, and much more.
Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor discuss how to write out your nutrition plan, how to determine what nutrition will be available at aid stations, estimating nutrition needs between aid stations, and much more.
Dr. Stephen Seiler and Trevor Connor discuss polarized training, intensity distribution, and endurance in this webinar with CKO Sprint.
Dr. Stephen Cheung leads a discussion on indoor cycling, including heat management, adaptive differences between indoor and outdoor workouts, and what to do with those “nice” winter days when you can sneak outdoors.
Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor dive deeper into specific nutrition metrics for a race, exploring research about race-day nutrition for the Leadville Trail 100 MTB.
Dr. Stephen Seiler speaks at the Aspire Academy on why and how to monitor athlete training loads.
Dr. Stephen Seiler shares the “holy trinity” of training feedback in this live presentation at a rowing conference.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.