How to Create a Race-Day Sports Nutrition Plan, Part 1
The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
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The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.
The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
Dr. Stephen Seiler introduces polarized training during this in-studio podcast with FLO Cycling.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler explores best practices for using mobile apps to monitor nutrition—and reveals the red flags that can indicate when athletes are misusing these apps and developing unhealthy attitudes about their diet.
In this Tedx talk, exercise physiologist Dr. Stephen Seiler explains in words and pictures how modern exercise physiology laboratories reveal the body’s remarkable capacity for adaptation.