Potluck Discussion: Holding a Wheel, GI Issues While Running, and Training Physiology or Performance 

In this potluck we discuss what to do when you’re struggling to hang on to a wheel, what the overall goal of training should be, and how to handle needing to poop during a long running event.

This episode is another potluck conversation with Grant Holicky, Rob Pickels, Trevor Connor, and Dr. Griffin McMath. In these discussions, we pick topics that we find interesting and break them apart using a mix of science, humor, and our own experience.  

What do you do when a bike race is going fast and you may not be able to hold the wheel in front of you? 

In bike racing, there are points where the field goes HARD just to see if the other riders can hang on. You may find yourself as one of those hapless riders, just trying to stay two inches off the wheel in front of you. Then those two inches become four, and then two feet and then, almost instantly, it’s 10 feet and your race is done. Coach Connor asks how to prepare for this situation and what do you do when you know you won’t be able to hang on much longer. 

RELATED: Workout of the Week: Motor Pacing 

Everyone poops… in long running events 
This summer, Dr. Griffin McMath is doing her first long running event in Scotland. But she has a concern. Running races are known to wreak havoc on your GI tract. What if she’s in the middle of the event, surrounded by spectators, and has to take care of business?  

Fortunately, she asked this question to a group of coaches who not only help athletes with this problem but have also all experienced it firsthand. We talk about what to do, how to prepare, and ultimately to not worry too much. Every runner poops.  

RELATED: Fast Talk Episode 207: Addressing Endurance Athlete Gut Issues with Dr. Patrick Wilson

Should we train for physiology or performance? 
It’s the age-old training question that we’ve addressed on the show in the past, including with USAC head coach Jim Miller. Coach Holicky wanted to give it the potluck treatment. In particular, he wanted to address the fact that more and more athletes are focusing their training around achieving a particular number such as FTP. His question is, does achieving that number guarantee performance? The answer isn’t as black and white as you may think.  

Hang close for another potluck and let’s make you fast!