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Endurance Coaching

Coaching is hard! A good coach must manage challenging athletes, build a business, grow his or her knowledge, stay on top of new software—in many ways, being a cycling, triathlon, or running coach today is harder than ever before. At the same time, it’s easy to find advice online—though it’s hard to know how good that information is.

At Fast Talk Labs, you can be certain you’re getting beneficial advice from our in-house coaches, who have over 40 years of experience in personal coaching, group coaching, and online coaching.

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Fast Talk Podcast Roundtable Episode 362, How to Make Interval Work Motivating

How to Make Interval Work Motivating

Our team of coaches got together and discussed why we do intervals, how to execute them, and most importantly, how to make them more fun.

Smiling mother and daughter duo looking at each other after going for a run.

How Parents Can Support Their Young Athletes

Understanding the roles you and your child’s coach have in their athletic development can foster a healthy relationship with sports and teach beneficial life skills to take into adulthood.

A coach looks at their stopwatch while their athlete does a ladder exercise in the background

Best Practices in Endurance Sport

Over a century of training and racing, coaches and athletes have continually experimented with the balance of volume and intensity. Today’s best practices look to maximize both a high volume of training and a small but potent dose of high-intensity work.

Black and white image of runners straining to cross the finish line.

The History of Run Training

The timely combination of running facilities and stopwatches gave running a leg up on other endurance sports, inviting more structured training and innovation.

Historical black-and-white photo of cyclists racing around a velodrome

The History of Cycling Training

The early European cycling scene was convinced that more miles and more racing made champions. By the 1980s, a new generation of pros was redefining the goal and the roadmap to get there.

Black and white historical photos of cyclists racing on boneshaker bikes

The Evolution of Endurance Training

Coach Joe Friel recounts the relatively short history of endurance sports to identify the athletes and coaches that influenced how we train and race today.


Why Coaches Need Support, too, with Lee Povey

The modern coach often assumes their job is fundamentally self-sacrificing – the athlete always comes first. We talk about why changing that belief can make for a better coach.

Jim Rutberg standing in front of Pikes Peak with his bike.

What Coaches Can Do to Be Relevant in 10 Years

Over his long tenure at CTS, Jim Rutberg has seen the coaching profession evolve amid an ever-growing industry. He identifies best practices for coaches, individually and collectively.

Title card for gender inclusivity in coaching

Case Study: Gender Inclusivity in Coaching

Pro athlete Rach McBride and their coach Mateo Mercur discuss the importance of gender inclusivity when it comes to coaching, and how their relationship has been a source of support and inspiration.