Criteria for Setting SMART Goals
The goal belongs to the athlete—not the coach. It’s the coach’s job to help the athlete give shape to the final product.
Setting training and performance goals can help athletes create a clear, defined roadmap to add structure and purpose to their training program. Goal setting involves season assessments, the psychology of goals, and methods for attainment.
The goal belongs to the athlete—not the coach. It’s the coach’s job to help the athlete give shape to the final product.
Goals are best evaluated in the rearview mirror. Joe Friel reflects on the goals of three endurance athletes, highlighting lessons learned.
Coaches ask their questions during this recording of a live Q&A with coach Joe Friel. This event covered many topics including the business of coaching, motivating athletes, helping athletes reach difficult goals, and how to help athletes balance life and training.
Goal assessment and season planning are two details you must attend to in taking on a new athlete.
Is it better to focus on one big race a year, or have several targets? Is performance or process more important when it comes to goal setting? Two Olympians help us tackle these complex questions.
Coach Grant Holicky discusses the critical process by which goals are created, and also the method by which they are achieved.
We explore whether Strava and other new training apps can make you faster, and how to effectively fit them into a structured training plan.
Coach and author Will Murray joins Coach Ryan Kohler for a discussion of what makes a useful set of goals, how to develop them, the psychology of goals, and much more.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Grant Holicky field questions on goal setting, cyclocross training, polarized training as you age, and cross training.
What lessons did we learn from a challenging 2020? What event or adventure plans do we have in 2021? We dive in.
The offseason is the perfect time to assess our previous season, set goals and strategies for the coming season, and incorporate those into our training plans.
Trevor did several great interviews with four top pros—Toms Skujins, Kiel Reijnen, Joey Rosskopf, and Larry Warbasse—for an article he was writing several years ago, and now we want to share their full wisdom.
We take on questions about training while fasted, goal–setting analysis, and have a discussion on the polarized training approach.