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Nutrition Strategies

Nutrition is a critical component to performance and health. And when it comes to racing and training, the best endurance athletes understand that the right strategy—detailing the quantity and types of food that will best fuel your body for maximal performance—can make the difference between success and failure.

Need more help with your sports nutrition? Talk with our sports nutritionists.

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Bikepacker securing his gear before starting his ride

How to Maximize Recovery During Multi-Day Events

Stage races and other multi-day events offer special challenges, particularly when it comes to recovery. We explore three of the key elements to maintaining good performances day after day.

sports nutrition for beginners

Sports Nutrition for Beginners

Eating properly for the demands of endurance sports can be challenging, especially if you’re new to sport. We explore common misconceptions and pitfalls for the beginner endurance athlete.

cyclist drinks from water bottle

Sweetening the Truth on Hydration

Few topics in endurance sports are more misunderstood and draw more ire than hydration and electrolyte sports drinks. Trevor Connor explores the biochemical mechanics to show what happens when we drink salty sports drinks.

How to Create a Race-Day Sports Nutrition Plan

How to Create a Race-Day Sports Nutrition Plan, Part 3

Coaches Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor discuss how to write out your nutrition plan, how to determine what nutrition will be available at aid stations, estimating nutrition needs between aid stations, and much more.

food monitoring

How to Monitor Your Nutrition

Head Coach Ryan Kohler explores best practices for using mobile apps to monitor nutrition—and reveals the red flags that can indicate when athletes are misusing these apps and developing unhealthy attitudes about their diet.

Ketogenic Diet Foods with Fat and Proteins Chart

Inside Ketogenic and High-Fat Diets, with Dr. Timothy Noakes

We are discussing research about ketogenic diets and sports performance. Studies have come out concluding contradictory things about the effects, benefits and risks. Researchers have strong opinions on both sides. Will going keto make you faster?