Why Our Gut Microbiome Is Important for Performance and Recovery
We talk with Julie Ann Davey about the bacteria in our gut and how the composition of our microflora affects everything in our bodies, including our performance.
It’s often overlooked, and sometimes altogether forgotten. But it never should be. Recovery is just as important to strong performances as your daily workouts and weekly riding volume. That’s because recovery is when adaptation happens. Learn how to master this critical and often overlooked side of the training balance equation.
We talk with Julie Ann Davey about the bacteria in our gut and how the composition of our microflora affects everything in our bodies, including our performance.
When it comes to concussions, a slow and steady recovery is the fastest way back to athletic performance.
It’s a given that after a race or workout you do a cooldown—but is there any evidence this actually helps? The science may say otherwise.
This comprehensive guide includes tips and conversation starters to help coaches walk their athletes through this digital Wild West.
Dr. Seiler helps us understand the power of rest from a physiological perspective. Rest can help us become more disciplined and improve fitness.
These exercises will keep the body moving and blood flowing during your in-season rest weeks.
Siren Seiler talks about how building a life outside of running helps her navigate some tough times in her athletic career.
Siren Seiler discusses the growth that came with detaching running from her identity.
There’s more to recovery and injury prevention than just getting a massage. We’ve got the lowdown on several types of manual therapy so you can better understand the pros and cons of each.
We know him as a sports scientist, but he’s also a father and coach. In this eight-part video series, we see Dr. Stephen Seiler in all three roles as he talks candidly with his daughter Siren about her return to training after struggling with an eating disorder and RED-s.
Pain is part of the privilege of endurance sports. It’s how you know you’re pushing your limits. But how do you know when it’s really time to stop? We ask a PT for her advice.
Getting older doesn’t have to equate to getting slower. We chat with two world champion athletes who share their secrets of success when it comes to slowing the aging process.
Moving well is the key to consistent training, but what are the key areas of mobility for endurance athletes? We find out in this video interview with strength coach Erin Carson.
Dry January seems to gain in popularity every year. But just what kind of an impact can abstaining from alcohol have on athletic performance? We find out.
This is our first episode of a limited series recorded with Dr. Stephen Seiler. In this episode, Seiler explains his background as a researcher, and talks about something near and dear to all of us: the heart.
As a coach, helping your athletes achieve their performance potential is an important task, but it’s rarely an easy one. In Module 6 of The Craft of Coaching, Joe Friel, together with several top coaches, share their experience on every aspect of this journey to peak performance.
Dr. Andy Pruitt answers questions about back pain, knee issues with increased training, numbness and pain where we sit, and how much we can still adapt as we age.
Medical doctor and elite Zwift team manager Jennifer Real talks with us about indoor training and racing, and how to achieve effective recovery including monitoring sleep and taking Vitamin D.