Favorite Workouts of Fast Talk All-Stars, Part 3
Fast Talk all-star guests including Dr. Iñigo San Millán, Dirk Friel, and Ben Delaney reveal their favorite workouts.
If you want to participate in endurance sports for years to come, you need to make strength training and conditioning a part of your routine, throughout the season.
Learn how functional training, including strength training, core strength, and mobility, can help you avoid injuries and improve performance.
Need more help with strength training? Talk with our coaches.
Fast Talk all-star guests including Dr. Iñigo San Millán, Dirk Friel, and Ben Delaney reveal their favorite workouts.
The concept of base training has been a part of endurance training for decades. Laying a foundation of fitness early in the season sets the stage for success later on. With the help of Joe Friel, Dr. Stephen Seiler, and Dr. Andy Pruitt, we explore the how and why of this fundamental aspect of endurance training.
Dr. Stephen Cheung reviews recent research that addresses the question of whether strength training can make you faster on the bike.
This core exercise is part of a series of core workouts offering a multi-planar approach to core integrity.
Learning how to use the lower body appropriately is crucial for a number of high-performance bike skills. The single-leg RDL helps develop balance and power.
Learning how to use the lower body appropriately is crucial for a number of high-performance bike skills. The leg curl will help with general strength off the bike.
Learning how to use the lower body appropriately is crucial for a number of high-performance bike skills. The reverse slide lunge will help develop control and power.
Dr. Seiler and his daughter Siren talk about intensity zones, peaking and riding the wave, recovery diagnostics, strength training, pistol squat PRs, Paula Radcliffe, and the loneliness of the high-level female endurance athlete.
Strength and conditioning coach Jess Elliott walks through a multi-planar approach to strength to build stability, efficiency, and resilience.
Pro mountain biker and coach Hannah Finchamp helps us field questions on time-crunched training, zone 1, interval design, and more.
Ryan, Trevor, and Chris field questions on nutrition, strength training at home, the Hour Record, plyometrics, and more.
Strength and conditioning coach Jess Elliott walks through a multi-planar approach to core integrity to build stability, efficiency, and resilience.
For distance runners unable to do high-intensity aerobic intervals, Dr. Stephen Seiler suggests adding strength and speed work.
Working on strength, stretching, and stability a few times a week will help keep knee pain away.
Strength and conditioning coach Jess Elliott is here to help you understand why it is so important to make time for off-the-bike strength and conditioning work.
Whether for overall health, improving performance and fitness, or taking mental break, cross-training is a powerful tool with many benefits.
We discuss four of the most common overuse and imbalance injuries in cyclists and how to address them with off-the-bike work and proper bike fit.
Take a deep dive into functional training with Menachem Brodie—what is it, why do cyclists need it, and how to execute it.