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Strength Training

If you want to participate in endurance sports for years to come, you need to make strength training and conditioning a part of your routine, throughout the season.

Learn how functional training, including strength training, core strength, and mobility, can help you avoid injuries and improve performance.

Need more help with strength training? Talk with our coaches.

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Cyclists guide to the weight room athlete in gym putting weight on the barbell

A Cyclist’s Guide to the Weight Room

Cyclists can get a little lost in the weight room. Strength expert Jess Elliott helps us understand the fundamentals of strength workouts and how cyclists will benefit from time spent in the gym.

Free weights inside a weight room gym

Like It or Not, You Should Be Lifting

In this episode of Fast Talk, we explain why serious cyclists should be spending time in the gym, incorporating weight lifting into their weekly programs. We speak to pro cyclist Svein Tuft, as well as Dr. Andy Pruitt to learn more about the benefits of strength training.