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Training Concepts

Periodization, polarized training, interval workouts—your performance depends on how you train. Master the key training concepts in endurance sports and you will look at every workout with new eyes.

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pro cyclist Fast Talk Laboratories

Pro Training Tips, with George Bennett

We sit down with Jumbo-Visma rider George Bennett to better understand how he trains, how you can apply his tips, and how pros have vastly different approaches.

WorldTour peloton racing

Training the Gut, with Asker Jeukendrup

Pioneering sports nutritionist Asker Jeukendrup joins us for a discussion on how in-race nutrition is trainable and why you should be training your gut.

Fast Talk Podcast

How to Race and Win with the Right Mindset

Mindset in cycling, especially racing, is an important and frequently neglected side of our training. Mindset is often all that separates the best from second best and can be the difference between reaching the podium or finishing a race.

Sepp Kuss cycling physiology testing

From Collegiate Racing to the WorldTour in Three Years, with Sepp Kuss

Sepp Kuss former rider for the University of Colorado team, now a member of Jumbo Visma shares his experience of transitioning from an amateur rider to a WorldTour athlete.
There’s some great advice about training, raising your level, and the value of persistence.

Ketogenic Diet

Inside Ketogenic and High-Fat Diets, with Dr. Timothy Noakes

We are discussing research about ketogenic diets and sports performance. Studies have come out concluding contradictory things about the effects, benefits and risks. Researchers have strong opinions on both sides. Will going keto make you faster?

Ned Overend Mountain Bike Fast Talk Podcast

The Secrets to Staying Strong as You Age, with Ned Overend

Maintaining strong training on the bike while aging isn’t as difficult as it may seem, as guest MTB champion Ned Overend illustrates.
We will delineate what age effects truly exist — for example, a drop in maximum heart rate — and others that have been traditionally attributed to aging that now appear to be trainable, such as a loss in fast-twitch muscle fiber strength.

Bearded cyclist resting inside a velodrome

Who Can You Trust for Training Advice?

We are joined by pro cyclist Sepp Kuss and the founder of FasCat coaching, Frank Overton, to dig into dealing with contradictory advice.

Which Is Better: Polarization or Sweet Spot?

Which is better, sweet spot training or polarized training? To find out, we invited in proponents of each type of training — FasCat’s Frank Overton on the sweet spot side, and Boulder Center for Sports Medicine’s Ryan Kohler to advocate for a polarized model — and let them have at it.

Busting the No Pain, No Gain Myth

We are joined by Brent Bookwalter, Lucas Euser, Inigo San Milan, and Grant Holicky to help you determine when you should and shouldn’t push through bad legs, and when you should and shouldn’t do intervals at full gas.

Cycling Roundtable with Andy Pruitt and Rob Pickels

We are joined by Andy Pruitt, an internationally-known fit guru and sports physician, and Robert Pickels, a coach and researcher working at the leading edge of endurance training at the CU Center for Sports Medicine, for a wide-ranging discussion

A group of gravel cyclists line up during a training session

How to Structure Your Training Plan

Precisely how should you structure a week, a month, or a year of training to fit in between all the time-snagging realities of life? Listen to find out.