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Training Concepts

Periodization, polarized training, interval workouts—your performance depends on how you train. Master the key training concepts in endurance sports and you will look at every workout with new eyes.

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A cyclist dressed in black rides out of the saddle against a black background

The True Definition of Threshold

Your lactate threshold may not be what you think it is. Coach Trevor Connor explores the true definition of this physiological turn point.

Cyclist riding down a tree-lined road

How to Nail Your Next Taper

How long? How much? How many? Tapering can be a dark art, but we’ve got all your questions answered to help deliver you to your next start line ready to go.

Masters triathlete Dede Griesbauer races on a triathlon bike during the Ironman Texas triathlon.

11 // Coaching Masters Athletes

Training mistakes are costly for masters athletes. Coaches who are savvy to aging position their clients for a lifetime of performance.

Maintaining Performance with Age

Maintaining Performance with Age

In this video, Joe Friel highlights three key factors for coaches to focus on to ensure their aging athletes remain fit and well.

Fast Talk Podcast: Episode 261

Diving Deep into the Pain Cave

What is pain—and how can we learn to tolerate it in training and racing? We find out on our latest Fast Talk podcast where we’re joined by neuroscientist Dr. Scott Frey.

Why is it so hard to go easy?

Why Is It So Hard to Go Easy?

You know your workout is supposed to be easy, but you just can’t help dropping the hammer sometimes. A leading neuroscientist lifts the lid on what’s going on in your brain when this happens—and what you can do about it.