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Training Concepts

Periodization, polarized training, interval workouts—your performance depends on how you train. Master the key training concepts in endurance sports and you will look at every workout with new eyes.

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The Science Behind Going Slow to Be Fast

The concepts of central and peripheral conditioning help explain why an effective training base period leads to speed and durability in the race season.

Julie Young

What It Takes to Succeed

To achieve a top performance an athlete must be both physically and mentally prepared. It’s the mental piece that can be the toughest to coach.

Athlete-Centric Training Plan video thumbnail

The Athlete-Centric Training Plan

Coach Dave Schell talks with Joe Friel about how he gets buy-in from athletes, and creates a dynamic, athlete-centric training plan specific to their individual needs.


Do You Need to Rethink Your Training?

Intensity can be a slippery slope for endurance athletes—there is a temptation to push harder and longer. The real recipe for performance might entail some new priorities.

Creating a Race Plan to Guide Training

Work with your athlete to create a race plan for the season—and then build your training plan from there, but remember there’s plenty to factor in.

Coach Joe Friel discusses race-day readiness on The Craft of Coaching

Race-Day Readiness

In this video, Joe Friel discusses how best to bring an athlete to form by striking the right balance between fitness and fatigue. It can be a fine line—and will be different for every athlete.


Workout of the Month: Sprints

Trevor Connor and Rob Pickels run through one of their favorite sprint workouts, and share some helpful tips and tricks.

How to Heat Train

World-leading environmental physiologist Dr. Stephen Cheung shows how to practice heat training in your own home and how to incorporate it into your annual training schedule.