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Training Concepts

Periodization, polarized training, interval workouts—your performance depends on how you train. Master the key training concepts in endurance sports and you will look at every workout with new eyes.

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Fast Talk Podcast Episode 195 Favorite Moments of 2021

Favorite Moments of 2021

We revisit our favorite Fast Talk conversations from 2021 with a variety of fascinating guests.

Blurred cyclists

Is Perceived Exertion the Most Important Metric?

Knowing how a race or workout feels—aka RPE—is an extremely important sense for endurance athletes. With the help of top cycling coaches, athletes, and researchers, we explore why RPE may be more important than power, heart rate, and other metrics.

Jana Martin at Crooked Gravel

Transformative Endurance Challenges

Can a simple bike race change you forever? Jana, Ryan, Trevor, and Chris describe the lessons they learned in each of their respective N1 Challenges.

The Power of RPE

The Power of Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

The RPE scale is often overlooked in a world of power meters and heart-rate straps. Dr. Stephen Cheung explains how and why you can use RPE to improve your training, even if you collect data.

N1 Challenge riders

How to Assess and Modify Training Mid-Season

Making a mid-season assessment of your training, and effectively modifying it (if needed), takes skill and confidence. We discuss how to do it, particularly when it comes to structure, recovery, limited time, and top-end form.

All About Interval Execution

A Deep Dive on Interval Execution

Learn how and why you should select certain intervals, how to integrate them into your training plan, when to do them, and how to properly execute them.