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Training Zones

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Do Women Athletes Need Zone 2 Training?

Recently, some prominent researchers have suggested that women need far less zone 2 training than previously thought. Physiologists Julie Young and Dr. Dana Lis join us to debate that question.

Road cyclist doing sweet spot work along a rugged coastline.

Workout of the Week: Sweet Spot 20s

If you have a lot of races lined up this season, don’t forget to make time for some sweet spot work to maintain your high-end aerobic fitness.

A cyclist dressed in black rides out of the saddle against a black background

The True Definition of Threshold

Your lactate threshold may not be what you think it is. Coach Trevor Connor explores the true definition of this physiological turn point.

FTL_Podcast_ep265_Neal Henderson_Frank Overton

Are Training Zones Dead?

Training zones have served an important role for decades, but with the sophistication of training software and portable devices, do they still have a place?

polarized training lactate curve Dr. Stephen Seiler

Training Intensity Zones: Research vs. Practice

Dr. Stephen Seiler explains the endurance training zones schemes he uses in research (3 zones) and in practice working with Norwegian coaches and athletes (5 zones) as part of the Norwegian Olympic Federation model.

A cyclocross rider rounds a bend through tall grass.

Mission Impossible: Determining Your True Threshold

How accurate are threshold numbers? And why is it so difficult to find accurate threshold numbers? We discuss several common ways to find your threshold and their pros and cons.

We Answer Your Questions About Training

Trevor and Chris field listener questions on importance of aerobic threshold, FTP, muscle soreness, and training in extreme cold.


Is FTP Dead?

We take on a controversial subject: FTP or functional threshold power. Is FTP dead?