Workout of the Week: Treadmill Hiking Strength Workout
This treadmill incline workout is great for building leg strength, incorporating more hill training, or as an off-season session for cyclists.
This treadmill incline workout is great for building leg strength, incorporating more hill training, or as an off-season session for cyclists.
The ability to push a big gear with high cadence teaches a sport-specific strength that is difficult to create otherwise.
Maximize your leg speed with this rolling workout.
Your lower body will be pushed to the max with this swim workout!
Whether you’re a runner, triathlete, or cyclist, this workout is great to maintain fitness in the off season.
Improve pedal economy and build power with high-cadence riding.
This workout is a strength builder.
Steve Neal’s intense interval workout involves high reps and variability in rest so you can always push yourself harder in the next session.
This combined swim and dryland workout provides a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility.
Yoga is more than just stretching—it’s great for active recovery, flexibility, stability, and core work.
Threshold training isn’t just for cycling. Figure out your swim threshold speed and use it in this workout.
There are numerous exercises that can be used to strengthen the posterior chain. Here we’ll focus on three key movements.
This is a great workout to build your threshold power and really target the aerobic energy system.
Nordic skiing is a great multi-planar sport for cyclists to do during the off season. Add in a cooldown spin after a ski session for a multi-modal workout.
Sometimes the only reason I’m motivated to do an actual interval workout is all the pumpkin pie I have in my immediate future.
Fall and winter should be a time for building mobility and resilience, and a simple strength routine can help us maintain or reestablish proper movement patterns and durability.
If you’re new to cyclocross, try this workout to tailor your fitness to the unique needs of the sport.
Begin incorporating this routine at the end of your season so you can maintain running strength for next year.