Micro intervals allow you to sustain a high percent of VO2max and extend your duration at that intensity to drive HIIT adaptations, improve muscle activation, and add specific preparation for on/off race demands.
Within each 20-minute time period, you will complete 20 intervals of 40 seconds hard/20 seconds easy, taking 5 minutes to rest between sets. Cadence and gearing should be at a range that allows you to accelerate to a sustainably high power during the “on” portions, while only shifting one or two gears easier during the “off” portions.
Maintaining momentum into the rest periods is often a focus point when I am coaching to help athletes learn how to make small adjustments in gearing and force application so they better maintain speed in races.
RELATED WORKOUT: Race Block Neuromuscular Session
Workout of the Week: 2 × 20 Micro Intervals
10-15 min. @ 85-95 rpm, ramping 50-70% FTP
Include 2 × 30 sec. small sprints along the way
Main set
2 sets:
20 × 40 sec. on @ 115-125% FTP/20 sec. off @ 65-75% FTP
5 min. set rest
10 min. easy pedaling, ramping 65-50% FTP