Workout of the Week: The Ultimate Long Interval Set

Hone your long interval skills with blocks of challenging, short interval sets.

Woman riding out of the saddle along a tree-lined road, cycling toward the camera
Photo: Artem Varnitsin/

Steve Neal brings his decades of coaching experience to this week’s workout. It involves nine total sets of four 1-minute reps that decrease in power throughout each set. Though the work interval also decreases every three sets, the target power increases, so you will be cranking hardest by the end. Cadence should be at your limit for this type of wattage effort, but always with good form.

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“I like to use this workout during VO2max blocks of training,” says Neal. “It works well for athletes who have trouble with the longer three- to five-minute intervals due to their physical strengths and weaknesses. I also find it a good way to introduce new athletes to higher intensity training due to the shorter intervals breaking up the work, but still having a good training effect.”

This long interval set can be used for sport-specific times of the year, such as cyclocross, mountain bike short track, or crit racing. During ‘cross season, alternate the on/off as bike/run.

Workout of the Week: The Ultimate Long Interval Set


15 min. steady riding

Main set

3 sets:

  • 40 sec. @ 123% FTP/20 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 40 sec. @ 120% FTP/20 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 40 sec. @ 118% FTP/20 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 40 sec. @ 116% FTP/20 sec. @ 50% FTP

2 min. easy pedaling, by feeling

3 sets:

  • 30 sec. @ 139% FTP/30 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 30 sec. @ 136% FTP/30 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 30 sec. @ 134% FTP/30 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 30 sec. @ 132% FTP/30 sec. @ 50% FTP

2 min. easy pedaling, by feeling

3 sets:

  • 20 sec. @ 157% FTP/40 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 20 sec. @ 155% FTP/40 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 20 sec. @ 152% FTP/40 sec. @ 50% FTP
  • 20 sec. @ 150% FTP/40 sec. @ 50% FTP


10 min. easy pedaling