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FTL The Craft of Coaching Content > Endurance Coaching

Illustrated headshot of Percy Cerutty

Profiles in Coaching: Percy Cerutty

A rigorous, holistic approach to mental and physical training steeped in high-intensity sessions and hill running at a beachfront property would likely appeal to today’s athlete. This Australian running coach was ahead of his time.

Triathletes running into the water at the swim start

What Is a Biopsychosocial Approach to Coaching?

We are products of our social, mental, and biological processes, but what does this mean for coaches and athletes? Andy Kirkland explains how to adjust training for better results.

Lessons From The Lab title card

Lessons from the Lab

The lab simplifies the path forward for the athlete, showing how the body is responding to training and taking us back to the basics.

Julie Young

What It Takes to Succeed

To achieve a top performance an athlete must be both physically and mentally prepared. It’s the mental piece that can be the toughest to coach.

coaching different personalities thumbnail

Coaching Different Personalities

How does an athlete’s personality affect how you write their training plans and give feedback? It can be far more varied than you might realize.

Coach Ryan talking with female athlete

What Drives or Limits Performance?

As a coach, you are in the business of addressing the weaknesses that stand in the way of the athlete’s goal. Because every athlete is unique, no two plans should ever be the same.

The Craft of Coaching - How to Avoid Difficult Relationships with Athletes

How to Avoid Difficult Relationships with Athletes

No one wants to “fire” an athlete. But there are times when the coach-athlete relationship is clearly not working. Coaches need to reflect on these difficult situations and athletes so they can identify problems before things get personal.

Coach-Athlete Communication

Coach Melissa Mantak prioritizes communication with her athletes above all else, particularly in the onboarding process. Find out more about the different levels of coaching she offers at The Empowered Athlete, and how communication plays out.

How to Protect Your Time

Managing athletes requires time management skills. Coach Ryan Bolton balances the needs of his pro athletes, age groupers, and a team of coaches. He talks with Joe Friel about his screening process and the groundwork that goes into a positive athlete-coach relationship.

The Secret to Retaining Athletes

Client retention comes down to two things: 1) the athlete’s longevity in the sport, and 2) the coach’s ability to evolve with the athlete over time.

Illustrated headshot of Joe Friel

What Was It Like to Be Coached by Joe Friel?

Ryan Bolton was coached by Joe Friel for the duration of his career as a pro triathlete. He reflects on what made that relationship work and the lessons he took from it in establishing his own coaching business.

How coaches can expand the services they offer to athletes

Expanding Your Coaching Services

More coaches are seeking partnerships with outside experts to better meet the needs of their athletes. Find out how these partnerships work best, giving even the “maverick” coach a competitive advantage.